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  1. Información General.

    FRANKLIN ELECTRIC COLOMBIA S.A.S., sociedad constituida y existente conforme a las leyes de la República de Colombia, con NIT 900.577.032-7, domiciliada en Cota., con oficinas principales en Autopista Medellín Km 2.7, Costado Sur, Bodega 11, Parque Industrial Los Nogales, Cota, Cundinamarca, Teléfono 57 1 823 7630 (la “Compañía”), es una entidad comprometida con la protección de la privacidad y de toda información que pueda asociarse o relacionarse con personas naturales determinadas o determinables (los “Datos Personales”), a la cual tenga acceso en el desarrollo de sus actividades mercantiles. En este sentido, la Compañía recibe, recolecta, utiliza, administra, procesa, analiza, segmenta, indexa, perfila, transmite, transfiere, compendia, anonimiza, almacena y, en general, procesa Datos Personales tales, como los de identificación (nombre, cédula, edad, género), de contacto (teléfono, correo electrónico, dirección), de preferencias de consumo, de visitas y de comportamiento en internet e información financiera, entre otros, información que podrá ser obtenida en el curso y para la realización de sus actividades mercantiles.

  2. Ámbito de Aplicación de esta Política.

    La presente Política de Tratamiento de la Información de la Compañía (la “Política”) está dirigida a los socios comerciales, proveedores, clientes, trabajadores, colaboradores, contratantes y, en general, a cualquier persona cuyos Datos Personales estén siendo o vayan a ser tratados por la Compañía (los “Titulares”), y tiene la finalidad de garantizar los derechos de los Titulares; dar a conocer los mecanismos y procedimientos para hacer efectivos esos derechos; informar quién es el encargado dentro de la Compañía de atender las consultas, preguntas, reclamos y quejas, y, finalmente, dar a conocer cuáles son las finalidades y los Tratamientos (según se define más adelante) a los cuales se someterán los Datos Personales en el desarrollo de las actividades mercantiles de la Compañía.

    Esta Política se aplicará a todo Tratamiento realizado dentro del territorio de la República de Colombia por la Compañía, sus trabajadores y, en lo que corresponda, por aquellos terceros con los que la Compañía acuerde todo o parte de la realización de cualquier actividad relativa a, o relacionada con, el Tratamiento de Datos Personales de los cuales la Compañía es Responsable (según se define más adelante).

    La Política se aplicará a los terceros con quienes la Compañía eventualmente suscriba contratos de Transmisión (según se define más adelante), con el fin de que tales terceras personas conozcan las obligaciones que les aplicarán, las finalidades a las cuales se deben someter y los estándares de seguridad y confidencialidad que deben adoptar cuando realicen el Tratamiento por cuenta de la Compañía.

  3. Definiciones Principales.

    Las expresiones que estén entre paréntesis, subrayadas y escritas con mayúsculas iniciales en esta Política tendrán el significado que se les otorga antes de los paréntesis. Los términos no definidos tendrán el significado que la ley o la jurisprudencia aplicable en Colombia les otorgue. A pesar de lo anterior, a continuación, se definen los términos más relevantes de esta Política:




    Es el consentimiento previo, expreso e informado del Titular para llevar a cabo el Tratamiento.


    Es la Compañía y todas las personas bajo la responsabilidad de la Compañía que en virtud de la Autorización y de este Política, tienen legitimidad para realizar el Tratamiento.

    Formato de Autorización

    Es la comunicación verbal o escrita generada por el Responsable, sea este la Compañía o un tercero, dirigida al Titular, mediante la cual se obtiene su consentimiento previo, expreso e informado, en tanto se le informa acerca de la existencia de la Política (según se define a continuación), la forma de acceder a la misma, sus derechos, los datos de contacto del responsable del Tratamiento y las finalidades del mismo.

    Base de Datos

    Significa el conjunto organizado de Datos Personales que sean objeto de Tratamiento, electrónico o no, cualquiera que fuere la modalidad de su formación, almacenamiento, organización y acceso.

    Dato Personal

    Es información de cualquier tipo, vinculada o que pueda asociarse a una o varias personas naturales determinadas o determinables, como lo pueden ser datos de identificación (nombre, cédula, edad, género), de contacto (teléfono, correo electrónico, dirección), de preferencias de consumo, de visitas y de comportamiento en internet, información financiera y otros datos .

    Dato Público

    Significa el Dato Personal calificado como tal según los mandatos de la ley o de la Constitución Política y aquel que no sea semiprivado, privado o sensible. Son públicos, entre otros, los datos relativos al estado civil de las personas, a su profesión u oficio, a su calidad de comerciante o de servidor público y aquellos que puedan obtenerse sin reserva alguna. Por su naturaleza, los datos públicos pueden estar contenidos, entre otros, en registros públicos, documentos públicos, gacetas y boletines oficiales, sentencias judiciales debidamente ejecutoriadas que no estén sometidas a reserva.

    Dato Sensible

    Es el Dato Personal que podría afectar la intimidad del Titular o cuyo uso indebido podría generar su discriminación, tales como aquellos que revelen afiliaciones sindicales, el origen racial o étnico, la orientación política, las convicciones religiosas, morales o filosóficas, la pertenencia a sindicatos, organizaciones sociales, de derechos humanos o que promuevan intereses de cualquier partido político o que garanticen los derechos y garantías de partidos políticos de oposición, así como los datos relativos a la salud, a la vida sexual, y los datos biométricos.


    Es la persona natural o jurídica, pública o privada, que por sí misma o en asocio con otros, realice el Tratamiento por cuenta del Responsable.


    Son aquellas personas que pueden ejercer los derechos del Titular, tales como el mismo Titular, sus causahabientes, representantes, apoderados y aquellos que, por estipulación a favor de otro o para otro, estén acreditados, siempre que puedan acreditar su condición.


    Es la Ley 1581 de 2012, el Decreto 1377 de 2013 (25, Título 2, Parte 2, Libro 2 del Decreto 1074 de 2015), Decreto 886 de 2014, la Sentencia C-748 de 2011, la jurisprudencia de la Corte Constitucional relacionada con los datos personales que sienta precedentes y cualquier regulación expedida por las autoridades competentes reglamentando los preceptos legales, que se encuentren vigentes en el momento en que comience el Tratamiento por parte de la Compañía, según dicha Ley sea modificada de tiempo en tiempo y dicha modificación aplique al Tratamiento realizado por la Compañía.


    Es el documento en el cual están consignados las políticas y procedimientos para garantizar el adecuado cumplimiento de la Ley.


    Es el presente documento, en el cual está consignada la política de tratamiento de la información exigida por la Ley y que contiene las orientaciones y directrices en relación con la protección de datos personales y que incluye, entre otras cosas, (i) plena identificación del Responsable (nombre, razón social, domicilio, dirección, correo electrónico y teléfono); (ii) las formas de Tratamiento; (iii) las finalidades de este; (iv) los derechos de los Titulares; (v) los procedimientos para consultas, reclamos y quejas y para el ejercicio de los derechos que están en cabeza de los Titulares, y (vi) la persona o dependencia encargada de atender todas las consultas de los Titulares.


    Es toda persona destinataria de esta Política y sujeta al cumplimiento de la misma por realizar actividades de Tratamiento en nombre de, en representación de o para la Compañía.


    Es la persona natural a quien se refieren los Datos Personales, cuya información podrá reposar en una Base de Datos y quien es el sujeto del derecho de hábeas data.


    Es el Tratamiento que implica el envío de la información o de los Datos Personales a un receptor, que es Responsable y se encuentra fuera o dentro del territorio de la República de Colombia. En la Transferencia el receptor actuará en calidad de Responsable y no estará sujeto a los términos y condiciones de esta Política.


    Es el Tratamiento que implica la comunicación de los Datos Personales dentro o fuera del territorio de la República de Colombia cuando tenga por objeto la realización de un Tratamiento por el Encargado por cuenta del Responsable. En la Transmisión el receptor actuará en calidad de Encargado y se someterá a la Política o a los términos establecidos en el contrato a través del cual se instrumente la Transmisión.


    Es toda operación y procedimiento sistemático, electrónico o no, incluso a través de herramientas como web bugs, cookies, spiders, web crawlers y web beacons, que permita la recolección, conservación, ordenamiento, almacenamiento, modificación, indexación, perfileo, relacionamiento, uso, circulación, análisis, segmentación, anonimización, compendio, evaluación, bloqueo, destrucción y, en general, el procesamiento de Datos Personales, así como también su entrega a terceros a través de comunicaciones, consultas, interconexiones, cesiones, mensajes de datos y otros medios que sirvan al efecto.

  4. Principios.

    En todo Tratamiento realizado por la Compañía, los Responsables, Encargados y/o terceros a quienes se les Transfieran y/o Transmitan Datos Personales, se dará cumplimiento a los principios establecidos en la Ley y en esta Política, con el fin de garantizar el derecho al habeas data de los Titulares. Estos principios son:



    Acceso restringido

    La Compañía no podrá hacer disponibles Datos Personales para su acceso a través de Internet u otros medios de comunicación, a menos que se establezcan medidas técnicas y de seguridad que permitan controlar el acceso y restringirlo solo a las personas Autorizadas.

    Circulación restringida

    Los Datos Personales solo pueden ser Tratados por aquel personal de la Compañía que cuente con autorización para ello de acuerdo con lo establecido por esta, o quienes dentro de sus funciones tengan a cargo la realización de tales actividades. No podrán entregarse Datos Personales a terceros, dentro o fuera del territorio de la República de Colombia, sin la Autorización o sin la suscripción de un contrato, en caso de que haya Transmisión.


    El Tratamiento deberá someterse a estrictas exigencias de confidencialidad y, por tanto, las personas que intervengan en el mismo, deberán mantener la reserva de la información, incluso después de que se haya terminado el vínculo que dio origen al Tratamiento.


    El Tratamiento requiere la Autorización, por cualquier medio que pueda ser objeto de consulta posterior, incluso mediante conductas inequívocas, según lo establecido en la Ley.

    Datos Sensibles y diligencia

    Los Datos Sensibles que se recolecten en el desarrollo de las actividades de la Compañía, deberán ser Tratados con la mayor diligencia para preservar su integridad, acceso restringido y seguridad.


    Toda actividad de Tratamiento debe obedecer a las finalidades legítimas y mencionadas en este Política, las cuales deben ser informadas al Titular al momento de obtener su autorización.


    El Dato Personal sometido a Tratamiento debe ser veraz, completo, exacto, actualizado, comprobable y comprensible. Cuando se esté en poder de Datos Personales parciales, incompletos, fraccionados o que induzcan a error, la Compañía deberá abstenerse de Tratarlos o solicitar al Titular la completitud o corrección de la información. La Compañía deberá hacer sus mejores esfuerzos para mantener la integridad de los Datos Personales que estén contenidos en sus Bases de Datos y la veracidad de los mismos, implementando medidas de verificación y actualización de los Datos Personales.



    Para realizar el Tratamiento, la Compañía debe disponer de las medidas técnicas, humanas y de seguridad necesarias para mantener la confidencialidad y seguridad de los Datos Personales. Lo anterior con el fin de evitar que los Datos Personales sean adulterados, modificados, consultados, usados, accedidos, eliminados o conocidos por terceros no Autorizados. La Compañía ajustará el Tratamiento de Datos Personales a los estándares de seguridad que reglamenten en un futuro las autoridades competentes.

    Separabilidad de las Bases de Datos

    La Compañía mantendrá de manera separada las Bases de Datos en las que tenga la calidad de Encargado, de aquellas en las que tenga la condición de Responsable.


    La Compañía no usará los Datos Personales más allá del plazo razonable que exija la finalidad que fue informada al respectivo Titular y aplicará medidas tendientes a garantizar la supresión de los Datos Personales cuando estos dejen de cumplir la finalidad para la cual fueron recolectados.


    Cuando el Titular lo solicite, la Compañía deberá entregarle la información acerca de la existencia de Datos Personales que le conciernan o sobre aquellos que esté Legitimado para solicitar. La respuesta a la solicitud deberá otorgarse por el mismo medio o, al menos, por un medio similar al que utilizó el Titular para solicitar información y dentro de los términos establecidos por la Ley.

    Tratamiento posterior

    Todo Dato Personal que no sea Dato Público debe Tratarse por los Responsables y Encargados como confidencial y bajo los parámetros de seguridad que fije la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio. A la terminación de dicho vínculo, tales Datos Personales deben continuar siendo Tratados de conformidad con la Política, el Manual y la Ley.

  5. Tipos de Datos Personales y Formas en que se Recolectan.

    La Compañía obtiene Datos Personales e información que no permite la individualización del individuo, y procesa la información que surge de la combinación de estos dos tipos de datos, como información conjunta.

    La Compañía obtiene y procesa las siguientes categorías de información, entre las cuales hay Datos Personales:

    • Información que obtiene al registrar nuevos proveedores y contratistas, que incluye pero no se limita al nombre y apellido de los funcionarios, nombre de la compañía, lugar de residencia, dirección física, dirección de correo electrónico, teléfono y fax.
    • Información que obtiene de potenciales trabajadores y de personas que emplea, que incluye pero no se limita al nombre y apellido, lugar de residencia, nacionalidad, género, dirección física, dirección de correo electrónico, teléfono y fax.
    • Información de registro que los Titulares proporcionan cuando ingresan información a la página de internet y demás y canales electrónicos de la Compañía, que incluye, pero no se limita a, el nombre y apellido, documento de identidad, teléfono y correo electrónico.
    • Información de clientes y clientes potenciales que estos proporcionan, por ejemplo al solicitar cotizaciones o adquirir los productos o servicios de la Compañía, incluidos sin limitarse al nombre y apellido, nombre de la compañía, lugar de residencia, dirección física, dirección de correo electrónico, teléfono y fax.
  6. Tratamiento y Almacenamiento.

    Los Datos Personales podrán ser almacenados y alojados en Colombia y en el exterior. El almacenamiento de los Datos Personales podrá ser encargado a un tercero, que podrá estar domiciliado en un país diferente a Colombia. En cualquier caso, la Compañía velará porque los Datos Personales sean Tratados de conformidad con esta Política y con la Ley.

  7. Tratamiento y Finalidades.

    La Compañía, en el curso de sus actividades mercantiles, recolectará, utilizará, administrará, almacenará, analizará, anonimizará, indexará, segmentará, realizará perfiles, compendiará, procesará, transmitirá, transferirá y realizará diversas operaciones con los Datos Personales. De acuerdo con lo anterior, los Datos Personales Tratados por la Compañía deberán someterse únicamente a las finalidades que se señalan a continuación o las que sean aceptadas por los Titulares en el momento de la recolección de los Datos Personales. Asimismo, los Encargados o terceros que tengan acceso a los Datos Personales en virtud de la Ley, contrato u otro documento vinculante, realizarán el Tratamiento para la consecución de las siguientes finalidades:


    Ofrecer programas de fidelización para el consumidor final, promociones y descuentos.

    Informar la existencia de nuevos productos y servicios, propios y de terceros.

    Realizar perfiles de los Titulares a partir de sus preferencias de consumo.

    Enviar información sobre novedades, noticias y promociones propias y de terceros.

    Comunicarse con los Titulares en relación con su cuenta o con las transacciones realizadas y enviarle información sobre los productos y servicios de la Compañía, como también sobre actualizaciones a los mismos y a sus políticas.

    Precisar, analizar y optimizar los productos y servicios existentes y futuros, propios y de terceros.

    Reportar información sobre el recurso humano, riesgos crediticios y el control y prevención del lavado de activos.

    Construir bases de datos segmentadas.

    Realizar actividades de archivo, actualización, almacenamiento y procesamiento de información, sean llevadas a cabo por la Compañía, directamente o a través de terceros con quienes se contrate a tal efecto.

    Promocionar y mercadear productos y servicios nuevos y existentes, propios y de terceros.

    Realizar actividades de mercadeo.

    Detectar, investigar y prevenir actividades que puedan violar las políticas de la Compañía o la Ley.

    Realizar análisis estadístico de la información recolectada, para optimizar el funcionamiento de sus productos y servicios.

    Realizar encuestas de satisfacción al cliente y calidad del servicio.

    Realizar y contribuir a la administración del recurso humano de la Compañía, incluyendo pero sin limitarse a la evaluación de los candidatos interesados en ser trabajadores de la Compañía, la vinculación laboral a la Compañía, procesos de capacitación, realización de evaluación del desempeño, adelantar programas de bienestar social y salud ocupacional, expedición de certificaciones laborales, suministro de referencias laborales en caso de ser solicitadas, conformar el mapa humano del personal que labora en la Compañía y el pago de nómina.

    Mantenimiento de los datos personales de los trabajadores con posterioridad a la terminación del contrato laboral para cumplimiento de las normas de seguridad social, para la prevención de delitos, y para efectos judiciales eventuales.

    Gestionar toda la información necesaria para el cumplimiento de las obligaciones tributarias y de registros comerciales, corporativos y contables de la Compañía.

    Cumplir con los procesos internos de la Compañía en materia de administración de proveedores y contratistas.

    Realizar procesos al interior de la Compañía con fines de desarrollo, operación y/o de administración de sistemas. 

    Adelantar campañas de actualización de datos para garantizar la integridad de los mismos.

    Adelantar investigaciones internas de conformidad con las diferentes políticas de la Compañía para evitar responder a actividades sospechosas que puedan afectar el buen nombre de la Compañía (solo aplica a trabajadores, contratistas y proveedores de la Compañía).

    Implementar canales de comunicación con clientes, proveedores y otras personas (naturales o jurídicas) relevantes para el desarrollo de la actividad comercial de la Compañía.

    Complementar la información y, en general, adelantar las actividades necesarias para gestionar las solicitudes, quejas y reclamos presentados por los Titulares, y direccionarlas a las áreas responsables de emitir las respuestas correspondientes.

    El envío de las modificaciones a esta Política, así como la solicitud de nuevas autorizaciones para el Tratamiento de los Datos Personales.

    La generación de copias y archivos de seguridad de la información en los equipos de la Compañía.

    Para el fortalecimiento de las relaciones con sus clientes mediante el envío de información relevante, contratos y la atención de peticiones quejas y reclamos.

    Para la atención de requerimientos judiciales o administrativos y el cumplimiento de mandatos judiciales o legales.

    Verificar comprobar o validar los datos suministrados.

    Transferir los datos personales a los clientes cuando sea necesario por motivos contractuales.

    Comunicar o permitir el acceso a los datos personales suministrados a terceros proveedores de servicios de apoyo general y/o personas naturales contratadas por la compañía en vinculación como proveedor o contratista.

    Utilización de los datos para fines administrativos internos o comerciales tales como estudios de crédito, elaboración y presentación de cotizaciones, referencias comerciales.

    Celebración, ejecución y gestión de las propuestas de negocios y contratos objeto de los servicios prestados.

    Reportes a centrales de riesgo por incumplimiento de las obligaciones financieras derivadas de la relación comercial con la compañía, la cual debe estar precedida de una notificación anterior efectuada al cliente o proveedor. 

  8. Derechos de los Titulares.

    De acuerdo con la Ley, los Titulares tienen los siguientes derechos:




    Actualizar los Datos Personales que reposen en las Bases de Datos de la Compañía para mantener su integridad y veracidad.

    Conocimiento y Acceso

    Conocer y acceder a sus Datos Personales frente a la Compañía o los Encargados. Este acceso se hará de forma gratuita al menos una vez al mes.


    Solicitar prueba de la Autorización otorgada a la Compañía, salvo que la Ley indique que dicha Autorización no es necesaria o que la misma haya sido validada con arreglo a lo establecido en el artículo 10 del Decreto 1377 (artículo del Decreto 1074 de 2015).


    Presentar ante la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio quejas por infracciones a la Ley cuando se haya agotado el requisito de procedibilidad y acudir en primera instancia a la Compañía.


    Rectificar la información y los Datos Personales que estén bajo el control de la Compañía.


    Solicitar la revocatoria de la Autorización, siempre y cuando no exista un deber legal o una obligación de carácter contractual en cabeza del Titular con la Compañía, según la cual el Titular no tenga el derecho de solicitar la supresión de sus Datos Personales.


    Presentar solicitudes ante la Compañía o el Encargado respecto del uso que les han dado a sus Datos Personales, incluido el derecho a que estos le entreguen tal información.


    Solicitar la supresión de sus Datos Personales de las Bases de Datos de la Compañía, siempre y cuando no exista un deber legal o una obligación de carácter contractual en cabeza del Titular con la Compañía, según la cual el Titular no tenga el derecho de solicitar la supresión de sus Datos Personales.

    Los Titulares podrán ejercer sus derechos de Ley y realizar los procedimientos establecidos en esta Política mediante la presentación de su cédula de ciudadanía o cualquier documento de identificación. Los menores de edad podrán ejercer sus derechos personalmente o a través de sus padres o los adultos que detenten la patria potestad, quienes deberán demostrarlo mediante la documentación pertinente. Asimismo, podrán ejercer los derechos del Titular todos los Legitimados presentando el documento respectivo.

  9. Datos Sensibles.

    En el marco de sus actividades mercantiles, la Compañía puede recolectar y Tratar Datos Sensibles, tales como pero sin reducirse a:

    Datos Sensibles

    Especie de Dato Sensible


    Huella Digital y Examen de Sangre


    Historia clínica e información sobre salud, en el caso de los trabajadores de la Compañía.

    Datos que pueden implicar discriminación por su Tratamiento


    Los Datos Sensibles serán Tratados con la mayor diligencia posible y con los estándares de seguridad más altos. El acceso limitado a los Datos Sensibles será un principio rector para salvaguardar la privacidad de los mismos, por lo cual solo el personal autorizado podrá tener acceso a ese tipo de información.

    La Autorización para el Tratamiento de Datos Sensibles es opcional y enteramente facultativa para el Titular, por lo cual ninguna actividad será restringida o condicionada al suministro de los mismos, de manera que el Titular puede no Autorizar el Tratamiento de sus Datos Sensibles y esa decisión será respetada por la Compañía.

  10. Datos Personales de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes.

    El Tratamiento de Datos Personales de niños, niñas y adolescentes por parte de la Compañía solo podrá hacerse en cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en el artículo 7° de la Ley 1581 de 2012 y demás normas concordantes o que lo reemplacen, y con sujeción a los requisitos establecidos por la normatividad aplicable.

    Las siguientes medidas se tendrán en cuenta cuando se Traten Datos Personales de niños, niñas y adolescentes:

    • Notificación a los padres sobre las prácticas que la Compañía implementa en relación con los Datos Personales de niños, niñas y adolescentes, incluyendo los tipos de Datos Personales que se recolectarán, las formas de Tratamiento, las finalidades que se perseguirán con el Tratamiento y si la información será compartida y con quién.
    • Se obtendrá la Autorización de los niños, niñas y adolescentes y de sus padres o tutores para para realizar el Tratamiento de los Datos Personales de los primeros.
    • Únicamente se recolectarán o Tratarán los Datos Personales de niños, niñas y adolescentes que sean estrictamente necesarios, de acuerdo a la respectiva finalidad que se pretenda conseguir.
    • Se permitirá a los padres tener acceso o la posibilidad de solicitar el acceso a los Datos Personales de niños, niñas y adolescentes, como también la posibilidad de solicitar que se cambien o se supriman.
  11. Autorización.

    Todo Tratamiento debe estar precedido por la obtención de la Autorización. Para ello, la Compañía, sus trabajadores y terceros Autorizados deberán abstenerse de recolectar y Tratar los Datos Personales si el Titular no ha suscrito la respectiva Autorización. Además, deberán conservar una copia de este la Autorización para consultas futuras.

  12. Área de Protección de Datos Personales.

    La Compañía cuenta con una dependencia encargada de la recepción y atención de Peticiones, Quejas y Reclamos relacionados con Datos Personales, denominada Administración. La dependencia cuenta con el Supervisor Administrativo y Financiero y/o Gerente de Territorio – Colombia quienes de manera específica tramitarán las consultas y reclamaciones en materia de Datos Personales de conformidad con la Ley, el Manual y esta Política. Algunas de las funciones particulares de esta área en relación con Datos Personales son:

    • Atender y recibir todas las solicitudes de los Titulares, tramitar y responder solicitudes como:

      • solicitudes de actualización de sus Datos Personales;
      • solicitudes de conocimiento de sus Datos Personales;
      • solicitudes de supresión de Datos Personales;
      • solicitudes de revocatoria de la autorización cuando de acuerdo con la Ley proceda esa revocatoria;
      • solicitudes de información sobre el Tratamiento dado a sus Datos Personales;
      • solicitudes de información sobre las finalidades del Tratamiento; y
      • solicitudes de obtener la prueba de la Autorización otorgada, cuando ella hubiere procedido según la Ley.
    • Dar respuesta a los Titulares sobre aquellas solicitudes que no procedan de acuerdo con la Ley.
    • Asegurar la protección de los Datos Personales de los Titulares.
    • Velar por la implementación de buenas prácticas de gestión de Datos Personales dentro de la Compañía.
    • Registrar las Bases de Datos administradas por la Compañía en el Registro Nacional de Bases de Datos y actualizar dicho registro cuando sea necesario.

    Los datos de contacto de Administración son:

    Datos de contacto de la persona y/o área encargada

    Dependencia, persona y/o área encargada de los asuntos de protección de datos

    July Natalia Rodriguez G./ Daniel Noreña B.

    Dirección física

    Autopista Medellín Km 2.7, Costado Sur, Bodega 11, Parque Industrial Los Nogales, Cota, Cundinamarca

    Dirección de correo electrónico

    Julynatalia.rodriguez@fele.com  Dnoreña@fele.com


    57 1 823 7630

    Cargo de la persona de contacto

    Supervisor Administrativo y Financiero / Gerente de Territorio – Colombia

  13. Procedimientos para ejercer los derechos de los Titulares.
    1. 13.1. Consultas.

      La Compañía dispone de diversos mecanismos para que el Titular, Legitimados, o los representantes de menores de edad Titulares, formulen todo tipo de CONSULTAS relativas a:

      • ¿Cuáles son los Datos Personales del Titular que reposan en las Bases de Datos de la Compañía?
      • ¿Cuál es el Tratamiento al cual están sujetos?
      • ¿Cuáles son las finalidades que pretenden satisfacer?

      Estos mecanismos podrán ser físicos como trámite de ventanilla, o por medios electromagnéticos, como trámites a través de los correos electrónico pqrclientes@fele.com pqrproveedores@fele.com, los encargados de recepcionar las peticiones, quejas y reclamos. Cualquiera que sea el medio, la Compañía guardará prueba de la consulta y su respuesta.

      Antes de proceder, el responsable de atender la consulta verificará:

      1. La identidad del Titular o del Legitimado. Para ello, exigirá la cédula de ciudadanía o cualquier documento de identificación original del Titular y los poderes especiales o generales, según sea el caso.
      2. La Autorización o contrato con terceros que dieron origen al Tratamiento por parte de la Compañía.
      3. Señalará la fecha en la cual fue recibida la consulta por la Compañía.

      Si el solicitante tuviere capacidad para formular la consulta, el responsable de atenderla recopilará toda la información sobre el Titular que esté contenida en el registro individual de esa persona o que esté vinculada con la identificación del Titular dentro de las Bases de Datos de la Compañía. Una vez recopilada la información se la suministrará al Titular para que este tenga acceso y pueda conocerla.

      El responsable de atender la consulta dará respuesta al solicitante siempre y cuando este último tuviere derecho a ello por ser el Titular del Dato Personal, Legitimado, o el responsable legal en el caso de menores de edad. Esta respuesta será enviada dentro de los diez (10) días hábiles contados a partir de la fecha en la que la solicitud fue recibida por la Compañía. En caso de que la solicitud no pueda ser atendida a los diez (10) hábiles, se contactará al solicitante para comunicarle los motivos por los cuales el estado de su solicitud se encuentra en trámite y señalando la fecha en la que se atenderá la consulta, la cual en ningún caso podrá superar los cinco (05) días hábiles siguientes al vencimiento del primer término. Para ello se utilizará el mismo medio o uno similar a aquel mediante el cual fue presentada la consulta.

      La respuesta definitiva a todas las solicitudes no puede tardar más de quince (15) días hábiles desde la fecha en la que la solicitud inicial fue recibida por la Compañía.

      Incluso cuando el solicitante no tenga la facultad para interponer la consulta, la Compañía tendrá que informarle al solicitante esta circunstancia y responder dentro de los términos establecidos anteriormente.

    2. 13.2. Reclamos.

      La Compañía dispondrá de mecanismos para que el Titular, los Legitimados o los representantes de menores de edad Titulares, formulen RECLAMOS respecto de:

      • Datos Personales Tratados por la Compañía que deben ser objeto de corrección, actualización o supresión;
      • El presunto incumplimiento de algunos de los deberes de Ley de la Compañía.

      Estos mecanismos podrán ser físicos como trámite de ventanilla, o por medios electromagnéticos, como trámites a través de los correos electrónicos  pqrproveedores@fele.com pqrclientes@fele.com  los encargados de recepcionar las peticiones, quejas y reclamos. Cualquiera que sea el medio, la Compañía guardará prueba de la consulta y su respuesta.

      El RECLAMO deberá ser presentado por el Titular, los Legitimados, o sus representantes, en caso de que el Titular sea menor de edad, así:

      • Deberá dirigirse a July Natalia Rodriguez y/o Daniel Noreña B., a la dirección de correo electrónico pqrproveedores@fele.com pqrclientes@fele.com o a la dirección física Autopista Medellín Km 2.7, Costado Sur, Bodega 11, Parque Industrial Los Nogales, Cota, Cundinamarca.
      • Deberá contener el nombre y documento de identificación del Titular.
      • Deberá contener una descripción de los hechos que dan lugar al reclamo y el objetivo perseguido (actualización, corrección o supresión, o cumplimiento de deberes).
      • Deberá indicar la dirección y datos de contacto e identificación del reclamante.
      • Deberá acompañarse por toda la documentación que el reclamante quiera hacer valer.

      Si el reclamo o la documentación adicional están incompletos, la Compañía requerirá al reclamante por una sola vez dentro de los cinco (05) días siguientes a la recepción del reclamo para que subsane las fallas. Si el reclamante no presenta la documentación e información requerida dentro de los dos (02) meses siguientes a la fecha del reclamo inicial, se entenderá que ha desistido del reclamo.

      Si por cualquier hecho la persona que recibe el reclamo al interior de la Compañía no es competente para resolverlo, dará traslado al Área de Protección de Datos – Departamento Legal dentro de los dos (02) días hábiles siguientes a haber recibido el reclamo, e informará de dicha remisión al reclamante.

      Una vez recibido el reclamo con la documentación completa, se incluirá en la Base de Datos de la Compañía donde reposen los Datos Personales del Titular sujetos a reclamo una leyenda que diga “reclamo en trámite” y el motivo del mismo, en un término no mayor a dos (02) días hábiles. Esta leyenda deberá mantenerse hasta que el reclamo sea decidido.

      El término máximo para atender el reclamo será de quince (15) días hábiles contados a partir del día siguiente a la fecha de su recibo. Cuando no fuere posible atender el reclamo dentro de dicho término, se informará al interesado los motivos de la demora y la fecha en que se atenderá su reclamo, la cual en ningún caso podrá superar los ocho (08) días hábiles siguientes al vencimiento del primer término.

      La Compañía guardará prueba de la consulta, el reclamo y su respuesta en caso de que sea necesaria su consulta posterior.

  14. Vigencia.

    Esta Política empezará a regir 7 de Noviembre de 2016. Los Datos Personales que sean almacenados, utilizados o transmitidos permanecerán en la Base de Datos de la Compañía, con base en el criterio de temporalidad, durante el tiempo que sea necesario para las cumplir con las finalidades mencionadas en esta Política, para las cuales fueron recolectados. De este modo, la vigencia de la Base de Datos está estrechamente relacionada con las finalidades para las cuales fueron recolectados los Datos Personales.

  15. Modificaciones.

    Esta Política podrá ser modificada de tiempo en tiempo por la Compañía y hará parte de los contratos que celebre la Compañía, donde resulte pertinente. Toda modificación sustancial de esta Política tendrá que ser comunicada previamente a los Titulares por medio de mecanismos eficientes, tales como la página web de la Compañía y/o correos electrónicos. Por modificación sustancial se entienden, entre otras, las siguientes situaciones:

    1. Modificación en la identificación del área, dependencia o persona encargada de atender las consultas y reclamos.
    2. Modificación evidente de las finalidades que puedan afectar la Autorización. En este caso la Compañía buscará una nueva Autorización.

    Las modificaciones serán informadas en la página web de la Compañía y/o mediante un correo electrónico que será enviado a los Titulares de los Datos Personales, siempre y cuando la Compañía tenga esa información en su poder.

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Last Updated: May 19, 2018

Welcome to Franklin Electric. These website terms of use (“Terms”) are entered into by and between Franklin Electric Co., Inc. ("Franklin Electric", "we", “our”, or "us") and its affiliates, subsidiaries and related companies, and you as a visitor, user of our Services, member, account holder, or customer, as applicable (“User”, “you” or “your”). The following terms and conditions, together with our privacy policy, which may be found at policies.fele.com (“Privacy Policy”) and any documents such websites expressly incorporate by reference (collectively, these "Terms"), govern your access to and use of our franklin-electric.com, ffspro.com, and our other websites, including any content and functionality offered on or through such websites (collectively referred to as the "Website") and any programs, certifications, services we provide through our Website (“Services”). The Website is owned and operated by Franklin Electric Co., Inc.

IMPORTANT – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. By using the Website or the Services, or, where applicable, by clicking the “I Accept” box, you indicate that these Terms (including the Privacy Policy) form a binding agreement between us and you as a user of the Website and/or the Services. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS, YOU MAY NOT USE THE SITE OR THE SERVICES. IMPORTANT: THESE TERMS CONTAIN AN ARBITRATION PROVISION REQUIRING ALL CLAIMS TO BE RESOLVED BY WAY OF BINDING ARBITRATION, AND ALSO CONTAINS A CLASS ACTION WAIVER. Please carefully review Sections 17-18 of these Terms for more information.

  1. Changes to the Terms of Use. We may revise and update these Terms from time to time in our sole discretion. All changes are effective immediately when we post them, and apply to all access to and use of the Website thereafter. However, any changes to the dispute resolution provisions set forth in the updated Terms will not apply to any disputes for which the parties have actual notice on or prior to the date the change is posted on the Website. Your continued use of the Website following the posting of revised Terms means that you accept and agree to the changes. You are expected to check this page from time to time so you are aware of any changes, as they are binding on you.
  2. Privacy
    1. We will maintain and use your information according to our Privacy Policy, and which may be modified from time to time in our discretion, which modifications are effective as of the date posted on our Website. Your continued access or use of the Website or purchase or use of our Services indicates that you agree with such modifications.
    2. Use By Minors; Parental/Guardian Consent. The Services are intended for access and use by individuals over 18 years of age. Please note that we do not knowingly collect or solicit personally identifiable information from children under 13. If you under 13, please do not attempt to register for the Services or send any personal information about yourself to us. If we learn we have collected personal information from a child under 13, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that a child under 13 may have provided us personal information, please contact us.
  3. Accessing the Website and Account Security
    1. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend this Website, and any Service or material we provide on the Website, in our sole discretion without notice. We will not be liable if for any reason all or any part of the Website is unavailable at any time or for any period. From time to time, we may restrict access to some parts of the Website, or the entire Website, to users, including registered users.
    2. You are responsible for making all arrangements necessary for you to have access to the Website and ensuring that all persons who access the Website through your internet connection are aware of these Terms and comply with them.
    3. To access the Website or some of the resources it offers, you may be asked to provide certain registration details or other information. It is a condition of your use of the Website that all the information you provide on the Website is correct, current and complete. You agree that all information you provide to register with this Website or otherwise, where applicable, including but not limited to through the use of any interactive features on the Website, is governed by our Privacy Policy, and you consent to all actions we take with respect to your information consistent with our Privacy Policy.
    4. If you choose, or are provided with, a user name, password or any other piece of information as part of our security procedures, you must treat such information as confidential, and you must not disclose it to any other person or entity. You also acknowledge that your account is personal to you and agree not to provide any other person with access to this Website or portions of it using your user name, password or other security information. You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized access to or use of your user name or password or any other breach of security. You also agree to ensure that you exit from your account at the end of each session. You should use particular caution when accessing your account from a public or shared computer so that others are not able to view or record your password or other personal information.
    5. We have the right to disable any user name, password or other identifier, whether chosen by you or provided by us, at any time in our sole discretion for any or no reason, including if, in our opinion, you have violated any provision of these Terms.
    6. FFS PRO UNIVERSITY Website. Certification and training Services offered through our FFS PRO UNIVERSITY Website (available here) Our FFS PRO UNIVERSITY Website has been created to facilitate and provide an online system for training and certification relating to technical proficiency in equipment installation. The University Website also enables communication with and among members of the site through the creation of public profiles.
    7. Careers Website. Our “Careers” Website portal, available here, has information about employment opportunities with our organization, and contains a link that directs you to a third party’s website in which you may be provided the opportunity to submit an application for employment. Such third-party website may have its own terms of use and privacy policy which you should review prior to submitting any personal information through that website. In order to view certain job postings, you may be required to submit your name, email address, password and/or other information and create an account. You agree that we are not responsible or liable for any inaccuracies in such listings, for how current the listing is, or in any postings that are made. Our Careers website is intended only for individuals who are of legal age for employment in the jurisdiction of their residence and in no respect are for use by anyone under the age of 13.
  4. Intellectual Property Rights
    1. The Website and its entire contents, features and functionality (including but not limited to all information, software, text, displays, images, video and audio, and the design, selection and arrangement thereof), are owned by us, our licensors or other providers of such material and are protected by United States and international copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret and other intellectual property or proprietary rights laws.
    2. Subject to your compliance with these Terms, we grant you a personal, limited, terminable, nonexclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable right to access and us the Website for your personal, non-commercial use only. We have the right, but not the obligation, to take any of the following actions without providing any prior notice to you: (a) change or terminate all or any part of the Website or the Services; (b) restrict or terminate your access to all or any part of the Website or the Services; or (c) refuse, move, or remove any content that is available on the Website and any material that you submit to the Website. Material on this Website may contain technical or other inaccuracies, omissions, or typographical errors, for which Franklin Electric assumes no responsibility. Use this Website at your sole risk. Material may be changed or updated without notice. You must not reproduce, distribute, modify, create derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, republish, download, store or transmit any of the material on our Website, except as follows:
      • Your computer may temporarily store copies of such materials in RAM incidental to your accessing and viewing those materials.
      • You may store files that are automatically cached by your Web browser for display enhancement purposes.
      • You may print or download a reasonable number of pages of the Website (or any downloadable content offered in any of the Website pages) for your own personal, non-commercial use and not for further reproduction, publication or distribution.
      • If we provide desktop, mobile or other applications for download, you may download a single copy to your computer or mobile device solely for your own personal, non-commercial use, provided you agree to be bound by our end user license agreement for such applications.
      You must not:
      • Modify copies of any materials from the Website.
      • Use any illustrations, photographs, video or audio sequences or any graphics separately from the accompanying text.
      • Delete or alter any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notices from copies of materials from this Website.
      • access or use for any commercial purposes any part of the Website or any Services or materials available through the Website.
    3. If you print, copy, modify, download or otherwise use or provide any other person with access to any part of the Website in breach of the Terms, your right to use the Website will cease immediately and you must, at our option, return or destroy any copies of the materials you have made. No right, title or interest in or to the Website or any content on the Website is transferred to you, and all rights not expressly granted are reserved by us. Any use of the Website not expressly permitted by these Terms is a breach of these Terms and may violate copyright, trademark and other laws.
  5. Trademarks. The Franklin Electric name and its other brands and all related names, logos, product and service names, designs and slogans are our trademarks or those of our affiliates or licensors. You must not use such marks without our prior written permission. All other brands on this Website are the trademarks of their respective owners.
  6. Prohibited Uses
    1. You may use the Website only for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Terms. You agree not to use the Website:
      • In any way that violates any applicable federal, state, local or international law or regulation (including, without limitation, any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the US or other countries).
      • For the purpose of exploiting, harming or attempting to exploit or harm minors in any way by exposing them to inappropriate content, asking for personally identifiable information or otherwise.
      • To send, knowingly receive, upload, download, use or re-use any material which does not comply with the User Content guidelines set out in these Terms or in our Website.
      • To transmit, or procure the sending of, any advertising or promotional material without our prior written consent, including any "junk mail", "chain letter" or "spam" or any other similar solicitation.
      • To impersonate or attempt to impersonate the Company, a Company employee, another user or any other person or entity (including, without limitation, by using e-mail addresses or screen names associated with any of the foregoing).
      • To engage in any other conduct that restricts or inhibits anyone's use or enjoyment of the Website, or which, as determined by us, may harm the Company or users of the Website or expose them to liability.
    2. Additionally, you agree not to:
      • Use the Website in any manner that could disable, overburden, damage, or impair the Website or interfere with any other party's use of the Website, including their ability to engage in real time activities through the Website.
      • Use any robot, spider or other automatic device, process or means to access the Website for any purpose, including monitoring or copying any of the material on the Website.
      • Use any manual process to monitor or copy any of the material on the Website or for any other unauthorized purpose without our prior written consent.
      • Use any device, software or routine that interferes with the proper working of the Website.
      • Introduce any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, logic bombs or other material which is malicious or technologically harmful.
      • Attempt to gain unauthorized access to, interfere with, damage or disrupt any parts of the Website, the server on which the Website is stored, or any server, computer or database connected to the Website.
      • Attack the Website via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of-service attack.
      • Otherwise attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Website.
  7. Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Notice. If you believe that any content on the Website violates these Terms or your intellectual property rights, you can report such violation to us in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (17 U.S.C. §512). In the case of an alleged infringement, please provide the following information:
    1. A description of the copyrighted work or other intellectual property that you claim has been infringed;
    2. A description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on the Website (including the exact URL);
    3. An address, a telephone number, and an e-mail address where we can contact you;
    4. A statement that you have a good faith belief that the use is not authorized by the copyright or other intellectual property rights owner, by its agent, or by law;
    5. A statement by you under penalty of perjury that the information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright or intellectual property owner or are authorized to act on the owner’s behalf; and
    6. Your electronic or physical signature, or that of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright or other right being infringed.
    7. We may request additional information before we remove allegedly infringing material. You may report a copyright violation by providing the above information to the designated agent listed below:

      Franklin Electric Co., Inc.
      9255 Coverdale Road, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46809, U.S.A.
      Attn: Compliance Officer
      Email: compliance@fele.com

    8. We will terminate the User account of any User who repeatedly submits content that violates our intellectual property policies. A repeat infringer is a User who has been notified of infringing activity more than twice and/or has had Content removed from the Website more than twice.
  8. Communications. If you have created an account or given us any contact information and consented to our sending you content (e.g., email newsletters), you hereby consent to receive electronic communications (email, text/SMS and by mobile phone) from us concerning information and/or our Services (collectively, “Communications”). For Users, the Communications may be those that we are required to send to you by law concerning the Services (“Required Communications”). The Communications may also be those that we send to you for other reasons. We may provide these Communications to you by sending an email to the email address you provided in connection with your account, by text/SMS to or by calling the mobile phone number you provide, and/or by posting the Communications on the Website. You may change the email or mobile phone number on file for your account by visiting your account information page or by contacting us. You may opt out of receiving all Communications via email by sending a notice to us that identifies your full name, user name and email address. If you are a registered User and opt out, you will not receive any further electronic notices from us, which notices may include important notices or announcements, but, we will continue to mail you required or important notices.
  10. Limitation of Liability
  11. Indemnification. By utilizing the Website or our Service you agree to indemnify, defend and hold us and our officers, directors, employees, agents, and affiliates harmless from and against any and all liability, losses, costs, and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) incurred by us through your use of the Website or Service or your posting or transmission of User Content in violation of these Terms (including, but not limited to, negligent or wrongful conduct, infringement of any third party’s intellectual property, confidentiality, privacy or publicity rights). You also agree to take sole responsibility for any royalties, fees or other monies owed to any person by reason of any content you post or transmit through the Website we provide. We reserve the right, at our own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you, and in such case, you agree to cooperate with our defense of such claim. This Section shall survive any expiration or termination of these Terms.
  12. Cooperation with Law Enforcement and Government Agencies; Required Disclosures
    1. You acknowledge that we have the right to investigate and prosecute violations of these Terms, including intellectual property, publicity and privacy rights infringement and Website security issues, to the fullest extent of the law. We may involve and cooperate with law enforcement authorities in prosecuting users who violate these Terms. You acknowledge that we have no obligation to monitor your access to or use of the Website or the Services, but we have the right to do so for the purpose of operating the Website, to ensure your compliance with these Terms or to comply with applicable law or the order or requirement of a court, administrative agency or other governmental or regulatory body.
    2. You understand and agree that we may disclose your personal information to if required to do so by law, court order, legal process, or subpoena, including to respond to any government or regulatory request, or if we believe that such action is necessary to (a) conform to the law, comply with legal process served on us or our affiliates or partners, or investigate, prevent, or take action regarding suspected or actual illegal activities; (b) to enforce these Terms (including for billing and collection purposes), take precautions against liability, to investigate and defend ourselves against any third-party claims or allegations, to assist government enforcement agencies, or to protect the security or integrity of our Website; and (c) to exercise or protect the rights, property, or the safety of us, our users or others.
  13. Our Security Measures. We take reasonable precautions to protect the security of your information. We have physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to help safeguard, prevent unauthorized access, maintain data security, and correctly use your information. However, neither people nor security systems are foolproof, including encryption systems. In addition, people can commit intentional crimes, make mistakes, or fail to follow policies. Therefore, while we use reasonable efforts to protect your information, we cannot guarantee its security. You are responsible for the security of your personal information. You should avoid transmitting personal or sensitive information, such as social security numbers, bank or credit card information.
  14. Taxes. If any federal, state or local governmental entity with taxing authority over the Service imposes a tax, duty or fee directly on the Service provided to you by us under these Terms (excluding any income, business and occupation, capital gain, death or inheritance, or other indirect taxes), then we may pass the direct amount of such tax on to you, and you shall promptly pay that tax.
  15. Disputes; Resolution; Arbitration
    1. You agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to these Terms or use of the Website must be filed within one year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred.
    2. ARBITRATION. In the event of any dispute, claim, question or disagreement arising from or relating to these Terms, or the relationship that results from these Terms, other than claims for injunctive or other equitable relief (a “Dispute”), the parties hereto shall use their best efforts to settle the Dispute. To this effect, the parties shall consult and negotiate with each other in good faith and, recognizing their mutual interests, attempt to reach a just and equitable solution satisfactory to both parties. If the parties do not reach such solution within a period of thirty (30) days, then the Dispute shall be resolved by binding arbitration in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, USA, in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association (the “AAA”), subject to the limitations of this section. This agreement to arbitrate will be specifically enforceable under the prevailing law of any court having jurisdiction. Notice of a demand for arbitration shall be filed in writing with the other party hereto and with the AAA. The demand for arbitration shall be made within the time provided herein, and in no event shall any such demand be made after the date when institution of legal or equitable proceedings based on such Dispute would be barred by the applicable statute of limitations. The parties agree that one (1) arbitrator shall arbitrate the Dispute. The arbitrator shall be selected by the joint agreement of the parties, but if they do not so agree within twenty (20) days after the date of the notice of a demand for arbitration referred to above, the selection shall be made pursuant to the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the AAA from the panels of business arbitrators maintained by the AAA. The decision of the arbitrator shall be made in writing, shall be final, judgment may be entered upon it in any court having jurisdiction thereof, and the decision shall not be subject to vacation, modification or appeal, except to the extent permitted by sections 10 and 11 of the Federal Arbitration Act, the terms of which sections the parties agree shall apply. The expenses of arbitration, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and the fees and expenses of the arbitrator, shall be shared equally by the parties.
    3. The arbitrator will have no authority to award attorneys’ fees, punitive damages, or any other monetary relief not measured by the prevailing party’s actual damages and each party irrevocably waives any claim thereto. The award may include equitable relief. The arbitrator will not make any ruling, finding, or award that does not otherwise conform to these Terms. The arbitrator may render a summary disposition relative to all or some of the issues, provided that the responding party has had an adequate opportunity to respond to any such application for such disposition.
    4. The parties agree to treat all aspects of the arbitration as confidential, as provided in the AAA Rules. Before making any disclosure permitted by the Rules, a party shall give written notice to the other party and afford such party a reasonable opportunity to protect its interests. Further, judgment on the arbitrators’ award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction.
    5. These Terms shall not be governed by the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods.
  16. CLASS ACTION WAIVER. Any proceedings to resolve or litigate any dispute in any forum will be conducted solely on an individual basis. Neither you nor we will seek to have any dispute heard as a class action or in any other proceeding in which either party acts or proposes to act in a representative capacity, and each party hereby waives any right to assert consolidated claims with respect to any disputes subject to arbitration under these Terms or any disputes between the parties. No arbitration or proceeding will be combined with another without the prior written consent of all parties to all affected arbitrations or proceedings.
  17. Waiver of Jury Trial. Each party irrevocably and unconditionally waives any right it may have to a trial by jury for any legal action arising out of or relating to these terms or the transactions contemplated hereby.
  18. Location of Operation. Our Website is operated in the State of Indiana, United States of America, and we make no representation that content provided is applicable or appropriate for use in other locations. We make no claims that the Website or any of its content is accessible or appropriate outside of the United States. Access to the Website may not be legal by certain persons or in certain countries. If you access the Website from outside the United States, you do so on your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws. Your use of the Website does not subject us to judicial process in or to the jurisdiction of courts or other tribunals in your jurisdiction or location.
  19. General
    1. Governing Law. For all legal proceedings arising out of use of the Website and/or relating to these Terms, these Terms and the relationship between you and us shall, irrespective of any choice of laws rules, be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Indiana. You and we hereby irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the jurisdiction of courts located in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, or the court of competent jurisdiction closest thereto if no court of competent jurisdiction resides therein, and the parties consent to the personal jurisdiction of such courts and expressly waive any right they may otherwise have to cause any such action or proceeding to be brought or tried elsewhere. You and we irrevocably waive, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any objection that you may now or hereafter have to the laying of the venue of any proceeding brought in any such court or any claim that a legal proceeding commenced in such court has been brought in an inconvenient forum.
    2. Assignment. You may not assign, convey, or transfer (whether by contract, merger or operation of law) (collectively, “assign” or variants) these Terms, in whole or in part, without our prior written consent, which may be granted or withheld by us in our sole discretion. Any attempted assignment in violation of these Terms will be of no power or effect. We may assign these Terms freely at any time without notice. Subject to the foregoing, these Terms will bind and inure to the benefit of each party’s permitted successors and assigns. We reserve the right to, and you hereby consent to, our right to disclose, transfer, and/or assign your Personal Information in connection with a merger, consolidation, restructuring, financing, sale, or other transaction. In addition, when a potential buyer is interested in purchasing one of its properties, you agree that we may provide the potential buyer with your Personal Information, subject to the restrictions in these Terms.
    3. Waiver. The failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision shall not affect our right to exercise or enforce such right or provision at any time thereafter, nor shall a waiver of any breach or default of these Terms constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach or default or a waiver of the provision itself.
    4. Severability. If any portion of these Terms is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to the parties’ intentions as reflected in such provision, and, notwithstanding such finding, the remaining provisions of these Terms shall remain in full force and effect.
    5. Entire Agreement. These Terms, including, but not limited to, the Privacy Policy (and updates to the foregoing) and any other terms agreed to in writing by the parties or by way of your use of the Website or the Services shall constitute the entire and exclusive understanding and agreement between you and us regarding this subject matter, and shall supersede any and all prior or contemporaneous representations or understandings relating to this subject matter, and except as expressly permitted in these Terms may only be amended by a written agreement signed by authorized representatives of the parties. In the event that any part of these Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the unenforceable part shall be given effect to the greatest extent possible and the remaining parts will remain in full force and effect. Upon termination of these Terms, any provision which, by its nature or express terms should survive, will survive such termination or expiration. The failure of us to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms, including any failure to act with respect to a breach, will not constitute a waiver of such right or our right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches.
    6. Headings. The headings of sections and paragraphs in these Terms are for convenience only and shall not affect its interpretation.
    7. Independent Contractors. The parties intend that an independent contractor relationship will be created by these Terms, and that no additional partnership, joint venture, employee, employer or other relationship is intended. You agree not to hold yourself out as in any way sponsored by, affiliated with, endorsed by, in partnership or venture with, nor as an employee or employer of us, any of our affiliates or its respective service providers.
    8. Notice. You agree that we may provide you with notices, including those regarding changes to these Terms, by email to the address you provided at the time of registration or such changed address as you provide to us in your Account Data.
    9. Contact Us. Our contact information is: Franklin Electric Co., Inc.; 9255 Coverdale Road, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46809, U.S.A.; Attn: Corporate Secretary Phone: (800)-437-6897. You may also visit our “Contacts” Website page here.
  20. Our Website and the information contained or referred to herein does not constitute an offer or a solicitation of an offer for the purchase or sale of any securities. Our Website may contain information and press releases about and by Franklin Electric. Any statements in our Website that are not historical facts, including but not limited to plans, projections, objectives, goals, strategies, future events or performance and underlying assumptions, are forward-looking statements as provided in the rules and regulations of the Securities Act of 1933, Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and the Private Securities factors which may or may not be disclosed herein. Statements or phrases that use such words as “believes”, “anticipates”, “plans”, “may”, “hopes”, “can”, “will”, “expects”, “estimates”, “predicts”, “is designed to”, “with the intent”, “potential”, and similar expressions commonly indicate forward-looking statements, but in their absence do not mean that a statement is not forward-looking. Any forward-looking statements contained herein involve risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to, general economic and currency conditions, various conditions specific to Franklin Electric’s business and industry, market demand, competitive factors, supply constraints, technology factors, government and regulatory actions, Franklin Electric’s accounting policies, future trends, and other risks which are detailed in Franklin Electric’s Securities and Exchange Commission filings. While information prepared by Franklin Electric was believed to be accurate as of the date so prepared, Franklin Electric disclaims any duty or obligation to update any information or forward-looking statement or to verify the accuracy of information prepared by others.

Unless otherwise indicated, all material on the Website is © Copyright 1998-2018 - Franklin Electric Co., Inc. All rights reserved.

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Effective Date: May 21, 2018


The following presents highlights of our Privacy Policy. The details follow this section.


Franklin Electric Co, Inc. (“we”, “us” or “our”) respects privacy of our users, members, and customers. This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) describes the types of information we collect from you or that you provide when you visit franklin-electric.com or our various other websites listed on our home page (“Websites”), or use our services (collectively, “Services”), and our practices for collecting, using, maintaining, protecting, and disclosing that information. This Privacy Policy applies to the data collected by us, or those working on our behalf, through information you enter or from the imported data from authorized and approved sources. It does not apply to data collected through other websites, products, or services not approved by us.

This Privacy Policy has certain sections that apply only to certain of our Websites. We have separately set out the provisions that apply only to a particular website. The remainder of this Privacy Policy applies to all of our Websites.

Our Privacy Policy describes:

  • How and why we collect your Personal Information;
  • How your Personal Information is used and protected;
  • When and with whom we share your Personal Information; and
  • What choices you can make about how we collect, use, and share your Personal Information.
  • How we store, use, transfer, and retain your Personal Information.

If you are a resident of or subject to data privacy laws or regulations of a country outside of the United States, please see the additional provisions at the end of this Privacy Policy.

Below in this section are some of the highlights of the Privacy Policy. Please read this entire document for a full description of our policies.


We collect your Personal Information for various purposes, such as, but not limited to, corresponding with you, informing you about your account, security updates and product information, processing your application, providing you with services, processing your order, providing you with a subscription, or other purposes.

We may combine the information we collect from you with information obtained from other sources to help us improve its overall accuracy and completeness, and to help us improve our business and better tailor our interactions with you.

In addition, we may also collect information relating to your use of our Websites through the use of various technologies, including cookies.


  • To create a user account.
  • To fulfill your requests by us or by others involved in fulfillment.
  • To contact you for customer satisfaction surveys, market research or in connection with certain transactions.
  • To support products or services you have obtained from us.
  • To share with our service providers who provide services to us in support of our business.
  • To personalize your experience while you are on our Websites, make navigation easier, and for Website usage statistics.

Your Choices

When we collect information from you, you may tell us that you do not want it used for further marketing contact.

You may also turn off cookies in your browser.

Contacting Us

You may contact us using the Contact Information provided at the end of this Privacy Policy.

Acknowledgement and Consent

By using or accessing our Website or the Services in any manner, you acknowledge that you accept the practices and policies described in this Privacy Policy (and as updated from time to time), and you hereby consent that we may collect, use, and share your information as described herein. If you do not agree with our policies and practices, your choice is not to use our Website or our Services. Remember that your use of the Website and our Services is at all times subject to our Terms of Service (available at Terms (the “Terms”), which incorporates this Privacy Policy. Any capitalized terms we use in this Privacy Policy without defining them have the definitions given to them in the Terms.


What Does This Privacy Policy Cover?

This Privacy Policy covers our treatment of personally identifiable information. This is information which may be connected to you specifically as the individual to whom the information relates. Such information may include name, mailing address, email address, telephone number, or any other information defined as personally identifiable information (or similar term) by applicable laws (“Personal Information”). If you are a European citizen or resident, the definition may be different. Please see the section toward the end of this Privacy Policy. Personal Information does not include your personally identifiable information that has been deidentified, pseudonymized, anonymized, aggregated and/or otherwise processed so as to be unidentifiable in such a way that the data can no longer be attributed to a specific individual (by reasonable means) without the use of additional information, and where such additional information is kept separate and under adequate security to prevent unauthorized re-identification of a specific individual such that one could not, using reasonable efforts, link such information back to a specific individual (the foregoing being referred to as “De-Identified Personal Information”).

This Privacy Policy applies to information we collect:

  • In email, text and other electronic messages between you and us.
  • When and where available, through mobile and desktop applications, which provide dedicated non-browser-based interaction between you and us.
  • When you interact with our advertising and applications on third-party websites and services, if those applications or advertising include links to this policy.

We may also collect Personal Information from you through means other than our Website. This may include offline collection, such as if you submit a paper application, make a payment by check, or call or visit our office. It may also include emails that you send to us separate from our Website. The Privacy Policy does not apply to Personal Information that you provide to us through means other than our Website. However, if we combine the Personal Information we collect from you outside of our Website with Personal Information that is collected through our Website, the Privacy Policy will apply to the combined information, unless specifically disclosed otherwise. If for example, you are applying for membership, or, if applicable, for employment, either via our Website or offline, we may obtain information from third parties about membership, licensing, accreditation, certification, professional, and/or employment as part of a background check, among other information, as part of the application process. The Privacy Policy does not apply to Personal Information about you that we receive from other sources. However, we may combine the information received from these other sources with Personal Information collected through this Website. In those cases, we will apply the Privacy Policy to the combined information, unless specifically disclosed otherwise. Other than as stated herein, this Privacy Policy does not apply to information collected by any third party (including our affiliates and subsidiaries), including through any application or content (including advertising) that may link to or be accessible from or on our website. We gather various types of Personal Information from our users, as explained in more detail below, and we use this Personal Information internally in connection with our Services, including to personalize and improve our services, to allow you to set up a user account and profile, to contact you and allow other users to contact you, to fulfill your requests for certain products and services, to provide and improve the Services, and to analyze how you use the Services. In certain cases, we may also share some Personal Information with third parties, but only as described below.

We are not responsible for the practices of sites linked to from the Services, and before interacting with any of these sites you are advised to review their rules and policies before providing them with any private information.

Individuals under the Age of 18

As noted in the Terms, we do not knowingly collect, solicit or maintain Personal Information from anyone under the age of 18 or knowingly allow such persons to register for our Services. If you are under 18, please do not send any Personal Information about yourself (such as your name, address, telephone number, or email address) to us. No one under age 18 should provide any Personal Information to or on the Services. In the event that we learn that we have collected Personal Information from a child under age 18 without verification of parental consent, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to delete that information from our database. Please contact us if you have any concerns.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We’re constantly working to improve our Services, so we may need to change this Privacy Policy from time to time as well, but we will alert you to changes by placing a notice on our Website Please note that if you’ve opted not to receive legal notice emails from us (or you haven’t provided us with your email address), those legal notices will still govern your use of the Services, and you are still responsible for reading and understanding them. If you use the Services after any changes to the Privacy Policy have been posted, that means you agree to all of the changes. Use of information we collect now is subject to the Privacy Policy in effect at the time such information is collected.

Information We Collect About You and How We Collect It

We collect several types of information from and about users, including Personal Information that is about you but individually does not identify you, such as, time and date of visits to our Website, etc., and/or, about your internet connection, the equipment you use to access our Website and usage details.

We collect this information:

  • Directly from you when you provide it to us. When you sign up for the Services, you provide us with information such as your name and email address. We may also collect information from your public social media accounts.
  • Automatically as you navigate through the Website. Information collected automatically may include usage details, IP addresses, and information collected through cookies, web beacons and other tracking technologies.
  • From third parties, for example, our business partners.

Information You Provide to Us. The information we collect on or through our Website may include:

  • Information that you provide by filling in forms on our Website. This includes information provided at the time of registering to use our Website, subscribing to or purchasing our services, posting material (where permitted) or requesting further services. We may also ask you for information when you report a problem with our Website.
  • Records and copies of your correspondence (including email addresses), if you contact us.
  • Your responses to surveys that we might ask you to complete for research purposes.
  • Your search queries on the Website.

Information We Collect Through Automatic Data Collection Technologies. As you navigate through and interact with our Website, we may use automatic data collection technologies to collect certain information about your equipment, browsing actions and patterns, including:

  • Details of your visits to our Website, including, but not limited to, traffic data, geolocation data, logs and other communication data and the resources that you access and use on the Website.
  • Information about your computer and internet connection, including your IP address, operating system, browser type, clickstream patters, the URL of the most recent website you visited before coming to our Website, the amount of time you spent on our Website, and the pages you viewed while on our Website.
  • We also may use these technologies to collect information about your online activities over time and across third-party websites or other online services (behavioral tracking). For more information on how to opt-out of advertiser tracking mechanisms, please visit www.networkadvertising.org/managing/opt_out.asp.

The information we collect automatically is statistical data and may include Personal Information, but we may maintain it or associate it with Personal Information we collect in other ways or receive from third parties. It helps us to improve our Website and to deliver a better and more personalized service, including, but not limited to, by enabling us to:

  • Estimate our audience size and usage patterns.
  • Store information about your preferences, allowing us to customize and improve our Website.
  • Speed up your searches.
  • Recognize you when you return to our Website.

The technologies we use for this automatic data collection may include cookies, flash cookies, web beacons, pixel tracking, GIF and/or IP address. Each of these is discussed below.

Cookies (or browser cookies)

A cookie is a small file placed on the hard drive of your computer or mobile device. It may contain certain data, including, but not limited to: the name of the server that has placed it there, an identifier in the form of a unique number, and, an expiration date (some cookies only). Cookies are managed by the web browser on your computer (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari or Google Chrome).

Different types of cookies which have different purposes are used on our Website.

Essential Cookies

These cookies are essential to allow you to browse our Website and use its functions. Without them, services such as shopping baskets and electronic invoicing would not be able to work.

Performance Cookies

These cookies collect information on the use of our Website, such as which pages are consulted most often. This information enable us to optimize our Website and simplify browsing. Performance cookies also enable our affiliates and partners to find out whether you have accessed one of our websites from their site and whether your visit has led to the use or purchase of a product or service from our Website, including the references for the product or service purchased. These cookies do not collect any information which could be used to identify you. All the information collected is aggregated, and therefore anonymous.

Functionality Cookies

These cookies enable our Website to remember the choices you have made when browsing. For example, we can store your geographical location in a cookie so that the Website corresponding to your area is shown. We can also remember your preferences, such as the text size, font and other customizable aspects of the Website. Functionality cookies may also be able to keep track of the products or videos consulted to avoid repetition. The information collected by these cookies cannot be used to identify you and cannot monitor your browsing activity on sites which do not belong to us.

It is possible that you will comes across third-party cookies on some pages of sites that are not under our control.

You may refuse to accept browser cookies by activating the appropriate setting in your browser. However, if you select this setting you may be unable to access certain parts of our Website. Unless you have adjusted your browser setting so that it will refuse cookies, our system will issue cookies when you direct your browser to our Website.

We also use cookies to implement tracking technology on our Website. This allows us to display advertising that is tailored to you on our Website which parts of our content interest you the most and which service categories you request. This tracking uses De-Identified Personal Information data (i.e., data that cannot be identified as being specifically associated with you) and does not use your Personal Information. We will not combine this data with your other Personal Information without your express permission. At any time, you can prevent the use of cookies like this in the future. To do so, if you email us, we can provide an opt-out cookie that you have to accept once. We also list our partners that are allowed to place cookies on our Website. These also provide you with the option of preventing the use of cookies in the future. For more information, contact the relevant third-party provider.

Flash Cookies. Certain features of our Website may use local stored objects (or Flash cookies) to collect and store information about your preferences and navigation to, from and on our Website. Flash cookies are not managed by the same browser settings as are used for browser cookies.

Web Beacons. Pages of our the Website and our emails may contain small electronic files known as web beacons (also referred to as clear gifs. pixel tags and single-pixel gifs) that permit us, for example, to count users who have visited those pages or opened an email and for other related website statistics (for example, recording the popularity of certain website content and verifying system and server integrity).

Pixel Tracking. In addition to using Cookies, the Website may employ “pixel tracking”, a common process which may be used in connection with advertisements on other sites. Pixel tracking involves the use of pixel tags that are not visible to the user and consist of a few lines of computer code. Pixel tracking measures the effectiveness of advertisements and compiles aggregate and specific usage statistics. A “pixel tag” is an invisible tag placed on certain pages of websites that is used to track an individual user’s activity. We may access these pixel tags to identify activity and interests that may allow us to better match our goods, services, and other offers with your interests and needs. For example, if you visit our Website from an advertisement on another website, the pixel tag will allow the advertiser to track that its advertisement brought you to the Website. If you visit our Website, and we link you to another website, we may also be able to determine that you were sent to and/or transacted with a third-party website. This data is collected for use in our marketing and research.

GIF. We may use tiny images known as clear GIFs to track behavior of users, including statistics on who opens our emails.

IP Address. Our servers automatically record certain log file information reported from your browser when you access the Services. These server logs may include information such as which pages of the Service you visited, your internet protocol (“IP”) address, browser type, and other information on how you interact with the Services. These log files are generally deleted after one week.

Posted Content (Applicable only to the ffspro.com website)

You also may provide information to be published or displayed (hereinafter, “posted”) on public areas of the ffspro.com Website, or transmitted to other users of this Website or third parties (collectively, “Content”). Your Content is posted and transmitted to others at your own risk. We cannot control the actions of other users of this Website with whom you may choose to share your Content. Therefore, we cannot and do not guarantee that your Content will not be viewed by unauthorized persons. You agree to and do hereby grant us a royalty-free, sublicensable, transferable, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, and worldwide right to Use, modify, and perform any User Content we post to this Website. The term “Use” includes, but is not limited to, use, reproduce, modify, publish, list information regarding, edit, translate, distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, and make derivative works of the content. You agree to comply with our Guidelines on posting Content.

This right to Use you grant us also extends to any content we may post on our Website that you have posted at other websites, e.g., Google.

Third-Party Use of Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies

Some content or applications, including advertisements, on the Website are served by third-parties, including advertisers, ad networks and servers, content providers and application providers. First-party or third-party cookies may be used alone or in conjunction with web beacons or other tracking technologies to collect information about you when you use our website. The information they collect may be associated with your Personal Information or they may collect information, including Personal Information, about your online activities over time and across different websites and other online services. They may use this information to provide you with interest-based (behavioral) advertising or other targeted content.

We do not control these third parties’ tracking technologies or how they may be used. If you have any questions about an advertisement or other targeted content, you should contact the responsible provider directly.


Google Analytics. We use, and some of our third-party service providers may use, Google Analytics (click for link to Google’s website) or other analytics service to help us understand use of our Services. Such service providers may place their own cookies in your browser. This Privacy Policy covers use of cookies by us only and not the use of cookies by third parties.

Google AdSense Advertising. We use Google AdSense Advertising (or other search engine or display network advertising) on our website. Google’s advertising requirements can be summed up by Google’s Advertising Principles (click for link to Google’s website). They are put in place to provide a positive experience for users. We have implemented the following: (a) Remarketing with Google AdSense and (b) Google Display Network Impression Reporting.

We, along with third-party vendors such as Google use first-party cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookies) and third-party cookies (such as the DoubleClick cookie) or other third-party identifiers together to compile data regarding user interactions with ad impressions and other ad service functions as they relate to our website.

Google Maps. We also use Google Maps, which may, among other things, request access to your geolocation.

Users can set preferences for how Google advertises to you using the Google Ad Settings page. Alternatively, you can opt out by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative Opt Out page or by using the Google Analytics Opt Out Browser add on.

How We Use Your Information

We use information that we collect about you or that you provide to us, including any Personal Information:

  • To present our Website and its contents to you.
  • To provide you with information on products or services that you request from us.
  • To provide you with services that you have requested.
  • To process transaction payments (including, but not limited to, membership dues and subscriptions, registration fees, voluntary contributions, examination fees, credential and designation fees,
  • and payments, refunds and reimbursements for any products or services that you choose to purchase from us).
  • To provide you with notices about your account, including expiration and renewal notices.
  • To send you emails and newsletters with product, service, company, and other information.
  • To communicate with you regarding information, features or offers that we believe will be of interest to you.
  • To respond to your questions or other requests.
  • To contact you with regard to the Website.
  • To process any applications, changes to your account information.
  • To process other information or Personal Information that you submit through this Website.
  • To notify you about changes to our Website, our policies, terms or any products or services we offer or provide though it.
  • To allow you to participate in interactive features on our Website.
  • To contact you regarding a sweepstakes, contest or promotion in which you have participated.
  • To provide access to restricted parts of our websites.
  • To request your participation in surveys, focus groups, or other initiatives which help us to gather information used to develop and enhance our products and services.
  • To determine eligibility for membership, credentials, designations, or volunteer opportunities.
  • To evaluate your performance on continued learning courses and assist you in the tracking of your progress.
  • For examination or event registration, scheduling, administration and related purposes.
  • To provide verification of event attendance.
  • To enhance and improve our products and Services, for example, by performing internal research, analyzing user trends and measuring demographics and interests.
  • Internal purposes, such as Website and system administration or internal audits and reviews.
  • To comply with applicable law(s) (for example, to comply with a search warrant, subpoena or court order) or to carry out professional ethics/conduct investigations.
  • For analyzing how the Services are used, diagnosing service or technical problems, maintaining security, and personalizing content.
  • To operate, maintain, and provide to you the features and functionality of the Services.
  • To provide statistics about the usage levels of the Website and other related information to reputable third parties, but these statistics will not include information which will allow you to be
  • identified.
  • To fulfill any other purpose for which you provide it.
  • In any other way we may describe when you provide the information.

We use cookies, clear gifs, and log file information to: (a) remember information so that you will not have to re-enter it during your visit or the next time you visit the Website; (b) provide custom, personalized content and information; (c) monitor the effectiveness of our Service; (d) monitor aggregate metrics such as total number of visitors, traffic, and demographic patterns; (e) diagnose or fix technology problems reported by our users or engineers that are associated with certain IP addresses; and, (f) help you efficiently access your information after you sign in.

How We Share Your Information

Personal Information:

Who We May Disclose Personal Information to and for What Purpose

  • Learning technology and online event providers for the delivery and improvement of web events and learning programs and the tracking of your progress
  • Database software providers for the management and tracking of your data
  • Legal and compliance consultants, such as external counsel, external auditors, or tax consultants
  • Marketing and other third party service providers who send communications, process payments, analyze data, provide credit checks, screening, or collection services, provide marketing assistance, or
  • create, host and/or provide customer service on our behalf regarding our products and services
  • Payment solution providers for the secure processing of payments you provide to us
  • Technology providers who assist in the development and management of our Website properties
  • Fulfillment and postal vendors for the fulfillment of our products and services
  • Survey and research providers who perform studies on our behalf

We may share your Personal Information with third parties for the purpose of providing or improving the Services to you. We may share your Personal Information with third parties who perform services on our behalf. These third parties may have access to Personal Information in order to provide these services to us or on our behalf. If we do this, such third parties’ use of your Personal Information will be bound by obligations of confidentiality. We may store Personal Information in locations outside our direct control (for instance, on servers or databases located or co-located with hosting providers). Any Personal Information or content that you voluntarily disclose for posting to the Website may, if posted, become available to the public, as controlled by any applicable privacy or website customization settings. To change your privacy settings on the Service, you may visit your account settings page. If you remove information that you posted to the Service, copies may remain viewable in cached and archived pages of the Service, or if other users have copied or saved that information.

We will never rent or sell your Personal Information to third parties, other than as noted below under “Disclosure/Assignment of Your Personal Information”.

Except as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy, we will not disclose Personal Information to any third party unless required to do so by law, court order, legal process, or subpoena, including to respond to any government or regulatory request, or if we believe that such action is necessary to (a) conform to the law, comply with legal process served on us or our affiliates or partners, or investigate, prevent, or take action regarding suspected or actual illegal activities; (b) to enforce our Terms (including for billing and collection purposes), take precautions against liability, to investigate and defend ourselves against any third-party claims or allegations, to assist government enforcement agencies, or to protect the security or integrity of our Website; and (c) to exercise or protect the rights, property, or personal safety of us, our users or others.

It is likely that the identity and categories of such third parties will change during the life of your account but, depending on your use of the Website, it is anticipated that your Personal Data will be disclosed to the following categories of third-party service providers who perform functions on our behalf. We require that our third-party service providers only use your Personal Data as necessary to provide the requested services to us and each service provider is subject to a set of terms consistent with this Privacy Policy.

De-Identified Personal Information: We may share De-Identified Personal Information (such as anonymous usage data, referring/exit pages and URLs, IP address, platform types, number of clicks, etc.) with interested third parties to help them understand the usage patterns for certain Services.

Disclosure/Assignment of Your Personal Information: Your Consent

You consent to our disclosure of your Personal Information and other information to a potential buyer or other successor for the purpose of considering a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or sale or transfer of some or all of our assets, whether as a going concern or as part of bankruptcy, liquidation or similar proceeding, in which Personal Information held by us about our Website users is among the assets transferred. You agree to and do hereby consent to (and shall not object to) our assignment, conveyance, or transfer (whether by contract, merger or operation of law) of rights to your Personal Information and other information, with or without notice to you and without your further consent.


We have implemented measures designed to secure your Personal Information from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, alteration and disclosure.

  • Your Personal Information is contained behind secured networks and a firewall and is only accessible by a limited number of persons and service providers who have special access rights to such
  • systems, and are required to keep the information confidential.
  • Any payment transactions will be performed using our third party payment processors or gateways, who will use appropriate security procedures designed to protect your information.
  • Our Website is scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our Website safer.
  • We may store, retrieve, access, and transmit your Personal Information in the US or in other countries.

The safety and security of your information also depends on you. Where we have given you (or where you have chosen) a password for access to certain parts of the Website or Services, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. You should not share your password with anyone. You must prevent unauthorized access to your account and Personal Information by selecting and protecting your password appropriately and limiting access to your computer or device and browser by signing off after you have finished accessing your account. The information you share in public areas may be viewed by other users. We’ll never email you to ask for your password or other account information. If you receive such an email, please send it to us so we can investigate.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we do use security measures designed to protect your Personal Information, we cannot guarantee the security of your Personal Information transmitted to us or which we obtain. Any transmission of Personal Information is at your own risk. Unauthorized entry or use, hardware or software failure, and other factors, may compromise the security of user information at any time. We are not responsible for circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures contained on the Website or used with our Services.

Data Retention

Following termination or deactivation of your account, we may retain your profile information and all information posted to public areas of the Service. Following termination or deactivation of your account, we may retain your Personal Information and other data, but will maintain it as confidential according to the Terms, this Privacy Policy and as required by applicable law. We have the right to delete all of your Personal Information and other data after termination of your account without notice to you.

The time periods for which we retain your Personal Information depend on the purposes for which we use it. We will keep your Personal Information for as long as your account is active, or as long as you are a registered subscriber or user of our services or for as long as we have another business purpose to do so and, thereafter, for no longer than is required or permitted by law, or our records retention policy, reasonably necessary for internal reporting and reconciliation purposes, or to provide you with feedback or information you might request. This period of retention is subject to our review and alteration. The Personal Information we collect may be stored and processed in servers in or outside of the United States and wherever we and our service providers have facilities around the globe.

What You Can Access

Through your account settings, you may access and, in some cases, edit or delete certain information you’ve provided to us, such as name and password, email address, address, user profile information, etc. The information that you can view, update, and delete may change as the Services or our practices change. If you have any questions about viewing or updating information we have on file about you, please contact us.

California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA”)

Under California Civil Code Sections 1798.83-1798.84, California residents are entitled to ask us annually for a notice identifying the categories of Personal Information which we share with our affiliates and/or third parties for marketing purposes, and providing contact information for such affiliates and/or third parties with whom the business has shared such information during the immediately preceding calendar year. See more at the CalOPPA website. To obtain information under CalOPPA from us, please contact us. Please note that not all information sharing is covered by CalOPPA, and we will only include in our response information relating to our sharing practices for covered information. See more at the CalOPPA website. Notices; Opting Out

By providing us with your email address (including by “following,” “liking,” linking your account to our Service or other services, etc., on a third party website or network), you consent to our using the email address to send you Service-related notices, including any notices required by law, in lieu of communication by postal mail. You also agree that we may send you notifications of activity on the Service to the email address you give us, in accordance with any applicable privacy settings. We may use your email address to send you other messages or content, such as, but not limited to, newsletters, additions or changes to features of the Service, or special offers. If you do not want to receive such email messages, you may opt out by emailing us your request. Opting out may prevent you from receiving email messages regarding updates, improvements, special features, announcements, or offers. You may not opt out of Service-related emails.

You may be able to add, update, or delete information as explained above. When you update information, however, we may maintain a copy of the unrevised information in our records. You may request deletion of your account by emailing us.

Contact Information

To ask questions or comment about this Privacy Policy and our privacy practices, or for any other purposes, please contact us at compliance@fele.com.

Specific Franklin Electric Website Portals

Certain of our Websites are discussed below.

CAREERS: Our Franklin Electric careers Website (available here) has information about employment opportunities with us, and contains a link directs you to a third party’s website (but which contains our brands) in which you can submit an application for employment. This application will request certain Personal Information. That website has its own terms of use and privacy policy which you should review prior to submitting any Personal Information through that website. We may be provided your application, including some or all of the Personal Information (and other information) you submit.

FFS PRO UNIVERSITY: Our FFS PRO University Website (available here) is a training, certification and resource tool for installation professionals. This particular Website has its own Terms of Use and Privacy Policy (available here).

Additional Information for Non-US Residents

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This Privacy Policy originates and is hosted on a Website located in the United States, which has different data protection laws from those of other nations, and particularly member nations in the European Union. Due to differing laws and legal practice, be aware that law enforcement agencies in the United States may have access to your Personal Information.

For European Citizens and Residents Only:

If you are a European citizen or resident in the European Economic Area (“EEA”), or other regions with laws governing data collection and use that may differ from the laws in the United States, please note that we may transfer your information to a country or jurisdiction that does not have the same data protection laws as your jurisdiction. It may also be process your information by staff operating outside the EEA who works for us or for one of service providers. If required by applicable law, we will seek your explicit consent to process your Personal Information collected on our Website or volunteered by you.

The following provisions apply to you if you are a European citizen or resident. All processing of your Personal Information is performed in accordance with privacy rights and regulations following the EU Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 (the “Directive”), and the implementations of the Directive in local legislation. As of May 25, 2018, the Directive and local legislation based on the Directive will be replaced by the Regulations (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of Personal Information and on the free movement of such data, known as the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), and our processing will take place in accordance with the GDPR. For purposes of the GDPR, we will be the “data controller” of Personal Information (referred to in the GDPR as “personal data”, and which is defined differently than in this Privacy Policy) we collect through the Website, unless we collect such information on behalf of a “data controller” in which case we will be a “data processor.” This Privacy Policy does not apply to websites, applications or services that do not display or link to this Privacy Policy or that display or link to a different privacy policy.

Your Rights

You have the right to have your Personal Data erased. You have the right to request a copy of your Personal Data. You have the right to have your Personal Data we collect corrected. You have the right to object to certain types of processing of your Personal Data. You can opt-out of certain uses of your Personal Data. For any of these, please contact us at privacyoptout@fele.com

Should designation of a data protection officer be required under GDPR, our person for this purpose can be contacted at: compliance@fele.com; Franklin Electric Co., Inc., 9255 Coverdale Road, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46809 U.S.A.

Data Transfers

We are headquartered in the United States. As such, we and our service providers may transfer your Personal Information to, or access it in, jurisdictions that may not provide equivalent levels of data protection as your home jurisdiction. We will take reasonable steps to ensure that your Personal Information receives an adequate level of protection in the jurisdictions in which we process it. If you are located in the EEA or Switzerland, we provide adequate protection for the transfer of Personal Information to countries outside of the EEA or Switzerland through a series of intercompany agreements based on the Standard Contractual Clauses. We may also need to transfer your information to other group companies or service providers in countries outside the EEA. This may happen if our servers or suppliers and service providers are based outside the EEA, or if you use our services and products while visiting countries outside this area.

If you are a resident of country other than the United States, you acknowledge and consent to our collecting, transmitting, and storing your Personal Information out of the country in which you reside.